Monday, 11 November 2013

Walker Evans Coal Miner's House

This image of the coal miner’s house is more to see what you see rather than what is actually there? The room is not empty, in this a room of cardboard, posters and chairs; more iconic in this image is the rocking chair. The first thing that you do notice is the chair, alone and empty, the chair is still a chair. The posters on the wall are saying things that are very different, what are their meanings?
The first “buy graduation gifts here” the second is of a coca cola advert with Santa saying “..The pause that keeps you going”.
We see the signs in the room to be pointing out a message to make you think of what a life could be, and that a pause is something you need to keep you going.
The image is being presented as a home for the poor coal miner, made out of cardboard and wood, not a stable home how ever what are the posters for? Are they for the whole idea of creating a better approach on life?
What I like in the picture are the subtle messages, this given by the adverts in the picture, the smiling people and cartoon of Santa, however this can be discussed in more than one way:
Are they for motivation? Are they a reality check?
         The Photo has many different aspects, and many to talk about, the chair and the adverts; these are the two keys points in this image.  I liked the look of the picture and how simple it looked and the alone and empty feel when looking at it.