Saturday, 7 December 2013

Research description

For my  pictures I wanted to show beauty and to be able to see the pretty and the un expected colours and light you can see, that was to be shown in my colour images, then in my black and white photo I wanted to show how one small thing can disrupt something that could look so beautiful.

I travelled to many places, and went on walks to see if I could find what I wanted, as you see there aren't much things you can take pictures of in Rochester that the tutors haven't seen already! My images I wanted to reflect a balance of light and dark, to see a range of colours shown in my photos.
During my research I found many ideas to start with but they didn't sit right with me, but then I realised that when I go out, when it's either walking my dogs, or walking to and from uni and work I tend to stop and look at the views you get from Jackson's, the sunset is bright and soft at times, or there can be ranges of colours you see in the sky.

In my research I wanted to find something or someone that could support this, but it was tricky to find someone, ( I don't think I do well in the research bits).

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Research for Environment

At my ideas were bouncing all over the place and i didn't have much of a clear idea, first i wanted to do bridges and what you can find underneath, but there was no time in doing that, so i decided to show the beauty found in places you never get to witness first hand, such as sunsets, bright blue skies, amazing views. I wanted to show landscapes and silhouettes of trees in from of amazing colours and show how the smallest thing can destroy a landscape so beautiful. That  is what i am trying to point out to you.

The images above are examples of what i am trying to prove. many of us walk many places, but hardly any of us stop and admire what we see around us, never stop and just look up!

Contact sheet 2

Contact sheet 2

This one i have taken two images from and used. the quality is not brilliant on one of the images, but the colour and the effect the puddles at the bottom of the image give out is very attractive to the eye. The colours in both images are creative and different. again i do think that i could have done so much more but... SHIT HAPPENS!!!

Contact sheet 1 environment

Contact Sheet 1

This is one of two contact sheets that have not been too destroyed, i think that in my case i could have done better. i don' think this is my best no,. but its better than having nothing!!!
I used 1 image from this contact sheet and two from the other. 

Monday, 11 November 2013

Walker Evans Coal Miner's House

This image of the coal miner’s house is more to see what you see rather than what is actually there? The room is not empty, in this a room of cardboard, posters and chairs; more iconic in this image is the rocking chair. The first thing that you do notice is the chair, alone and empty, the chair is still a chair. The posters on the wall are saying things that are very different, what are their meanings?
The first “buy graduation gifts here” the second is of a coca cola advert with Santa saying “..The pause that keeps you going”.
We see the signs in the room to be pointing out a message to make you think of what a life could be, and that a pause is something you need to keep you going.
The image is being presented as a home for the poor coal miner, made out of cardboard and wood, not a stable home how ever what are the posters for? Are they for the whole idea of creating a better approach on life?
What I like in the picture are the subtle messages, this given by the adverts in the picture, the smiling people and cartoon of Santa, however this can be discussed in more than one way:
Are they for motivation? Are they a reality check?
         The Photo has many different aspects, and many to talk about, the chair and the adverts; these are the two keys points in this image.  I liked the look of the picture and how simple it looked and the alone and empty feel when looking at it.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Research Task: To Compare a Historical Photographer and a Contemporary Photographer

                                                   Ansel Adams, 'Yosemite Valley', 1942
                                         Stephen Shore, 'Merced River, Yosemite Valley', 1979

My research task was to compare a Historical Photographer and a Contemporary Photographer, for me I chose the two photographers and photographer's works that stood out to me more, that would be Stephen Shore and Ansel Adams, with their own vision on Yosemite Valley.

This beautiful landscape, with its breath taking views, mountain peeks and streams these two photographers have chosen to display their work using this amazing place.

Ansel Adams quotes "Yosemite Valley, to me, is always a sunrise, a glitter of green and golden wonder in a vast edifice of stone and space. I know of no sculpture, painting or music that exceeds the compelling spiritual command of the soaring shape of granite cliff and dome, of patina of light on rock and forest, and of the thunder and whispering of the falling, flowing waters. At first the colossal aspect may dominate; then we perceive and respond to the delicate and persuasive complex of nature."

Comparing these two images the two photographers create a different approach to each. Ansel using his depth of scenery and Shore uses the unique view point of a typical family vacation. 

Ansel's is looking more at the depth of the mountain and the view, his old fashioned black and white concept creates a more individual look, making it easier to tell it apart. His use of deep blacks and bright white, but the usage of tonnage on the peeks of the mountains helps to pin point what is what. Ansel's image shows more of the beauty of Yosemite Valley and the dramatic scenery that has been provided to us by mother nature.

Shore's picture shows us a family relaxing by the water in Yosemite Valley and it also gives us a little bit of that breath taking view, but Shore mostly wants to show the family and how the greatness of the Valley is enclosing around them. Obviously Shore's image is in colour and you can see it must be a hot summer's day and in the image you get the shine of the water as you do in Ansel's image, however in Shore's image there is not much few of he mountain but in Ansel's the mountain it is one of the key view points within the photograph.

I find that both wanted to capture a different beauty in each, each wanted to display the Valley as either the greatness and perfection to it, or the mere fact that any family can go there and witness its greatness and beauty.  Ansel quotes "I know of no sculpture, painting or music that exceeds the compelling spiritual command of the soaring shape of granite cliff and dome", this here I can see that Ansel wanted to capture more of the mountain view and the stream rather than the people that visit it, he is most obviously blown away by Yosemite Valley that he made constant trips to this remarkable scenery.
Shore seems as to look down onto the family in his photograph and to open up the valley within the inside, looking at how this place can bring a fun day to a family, however in the image there is not much of a view, but there are trees and parts of hills, but the view of the shining water and clear blue sky gives a contrast between the dark colours of the trees and the mountains.

Both images are amazing but the subtlety of each is far apart, but both images are a clear focus on beauty.

Monday, 7 October 2013

borstal bridge images found on google.

These are some of the images i found on google to show borstal bridge, there are small cottages underneath this, and horse and wildlife that roam around these parts.
 underneath there is graffiti and the pillars tower over you making you feel small and over powered.
 these are a view examples of what i see when i go for walks with the family dogs. Taking over of Borstal bridge!!!!!


my idea i want to show the taking over of man made materials in wildlife, i want to show that building, bridges are being build to "make life easier" but to nature is disrupting the land.

for my idea i could use borstal bridge to prove my point that a massive man made concrete giant has taken over something that should look beautiful.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Portrait research (mark Laita Created Equal)

Mark Laita photographer
Created Equal
I want to re-create what Laita has done with his black and white images but using school subject, i.e. teachers.
He focuses mainly on his subjects using a plain black back ground, this because we just want to to focus on the subject shown, instead of where they are shown.

The following images are all about making opposites become equals, how they are the same in an aspect but in another way have a completely different approach. first image you have is a young graduate, showing his diploma and in his graduation robes, the other is the opposite this shows a boy the same age but works as a mechanic and he may not have the degree.

And the opposites carry on through out, this what i would like to show in my criteria.
Using teachers in private and public school, stating if there are any stereotypes.

Monday, 30 September 2013

"An Oak Tree in Winter"

This beautiful silhouette of an oak tree is displayed in a winter's day. The object stands out more in this type of season rather than a summers days as the bright glare of the sun would intrude on the delicate details of our magnificent oak, the white mist and stillness of the tree combine an image in which Talbot had imagined to create. In is photograph it seems to just have the oak tree towering over some fragile petite figures, these are the other trees. 
I see in this image being more of a self portrait of Talbot, as a reflection of his success in his creation and invention. His marvellous understanding and furthering on his knowledge has proven to be one of the glorious things we still use today, with out picture how will we know what we read if we do not see. A visual choice would be that he chose the tree to signify a greater being among others that it beauty is not always seen, the unusual in the usual if you may! 
Another could be that he wanted to just take a picture of the tree as it would have made the image clearer and easier to take as the tree's detail was striking and a still image is the most simplest of images to do and to create, as the object is not moving it would not show and signs of blurriness. The representation of the image on the other hands is more discrete, this being that maybe Talbot didn't think he was portraying himself on a conscience level but rather more on an un conscience level, the image communicates a more visual aspect rather than the story, the image of the tree could have been more of proving an idea rather than Talbot's need for attention.